Wearable Devices That Have a Respiratory Monitor

The following devices include a Respiratory Monitor.

We define "Respiratory Monitor" as the device that records the user's pulmonary ventilation.

Phyode W/Me

Worn on the Wrist and used for Medical applications.
The Phyode W/Me is a heart rate monitor that uses heart rate variability to determine respiration, emotion, and autonomic nervous system...

Rest Devices Mimo

Worn on the Torso and used for Lifestyle applications.
The Mimo baby monitor is designed to give parents peace of mind by providing them with data and analytics regarding their infant....

Imec EEG Headset

Worn on the Head and used for Medical applications.
The Imec EEG Headset is a wearable health monitor with electroencephalographic (EEG) capabilities. It is designed to be worn during daily...

Preventice BodyGuardian

Worn on the Torso and used for Medical applications.
The BodyGuardian is a wearable body sensor that is capable of recording biometric data for clinical use. This data includes: ECG,...