Validation Workshop

A Proven Process for Fast Validation of Wearable Technology Solutions
Expected Outcomes:
  • A refined Wearable or IoT solution concept taken to prototype
  • Validation through user-testing, backed by objective data
  • Confidence to pursue a pilot or implement a Wearable or IoT solution

Accelerate your Innovation Strategy

The Validation Workshop is the second part of Vandrico’s Smart For Work™ process. This workshop uses a proven process, designed to quickly verify one of the solutions uncovered during the Discovery Day Session. The Validation Workshop is the fastest way to get an opportunity user-tested and validated.

Organizations completing this five-day process will have early insights and data on how users react to a solution within their operational environment. Leveraging the power of Vandrico's Canary Platform™, experienced developers, and strong innovation background, this process will help accelerate your innovation strategy for Wearable Technology and IoT.

Resource Requirements

Success in the Validation Workshop depends on the ability to user-test a prototype solution. In order to achieve this task, our process relies on the combined brainpower of both our team and yours.

The ideal ratio for team collaboration includes the following:

  • 3-4 members from your organization
  • 3-4 members from Vandrico (and/or 3rd-party consultants)

The following team members should be involved in the process:

This is someone who will have the authority to make a decision during the session, in the event that there is a conflict of interests or opinions. This is critical to ensuring that the process stays on track because of its limited time constraint.

IT Staff Member
This is someone who understands the organization’s IT systems and infrastructure. This person should have a high-level understanding of the organization’s structural capabilities, constraints, and protocols.

Front-line User Expert
It is strongly advised that your team include a user expert. This is someone who has a firm understanding of the day-to-day lives of the end-user. This is often a supervisor, a team leader or a manager.

Day One: Understand

The first day of the Validation Workshop builds cohesion within the group and focuses on understanding the problem, the opportunity and the potential for new technology. The end result of day one is a storyboard of the problem from the perspective of the end-user.

Day Two: Diverge

The second day of the Validation Workshop is focused on isolating parts of the user-story and generating as many solutions as possible. The end result of day two is multiple pieces of a solution to the problem.

Day Three: Decide

The third day of the Validation Workshop is focused on converging all the potential solutions into one actionable idea for testing. The end result of day three is a clear storyboard and outline of the solution that will be built.

Day Four: Prototype

The fourth day of the Validation Workshop is focused on building a testable prototype and on investigating the foundational requirements for a full-scale implementation. The end result of day four is a working prototype that will be tested on day five.

Day Five: Validate

The fifth day of the Validation Workshop is focused on user-testing. The end result of day five is confirmation on whether or not the proposed solution is feasible for your organization.


After the Validation Workshop, Vandrico will provide a report that acts as documentation for your organization’s learned-outcomes and a reference tool for subsequent decision-making.

The Validation Workshop Report
This report is a summary document of everything our team observed during the session. It will outline the validation results, our recommendations on potential success rates, and any key insights that we uncovered throughout the process.

Optional Follow-Up Opportunities

After you have data to back your decision to pursue or not to pursue a new technology solution, your organization can take advantage of these next steps with Vandrico.

This additional support includes the following:

  • Presenting key findings to the Board or Executive Management
  • Proposal for custom development for implementation
  • Expertise in selecting the right vendors to solve your problem
  • Licensing The Canary Platform™ to accelerate your implementation process
Learn More about The Canary Platform™

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