Wearable Tech Market

Number of Devices
Average Price (USD)
Most Popular Component

Devices by Location

Note: Click on an area of the body.

The Ideal Wearable Device


Device must be worn on the body throughout its use; it should not be carried.


Device must be controllable by the user; this could be done either actively or passively.


Device must augment knowledge, facilitate learning or enhance experience.

List of Wearable Devices

About The Wearable Technology Database

The list of wearable devices has been constantly changing since 2008. Due to rising consumer awareness and big investments made in the industry, the wearable tech market is now poised for its biggest year in history.

This database is an ever-evolving and free resource tool for everyone to use. If you know of a device that is missing information or you would like to share one of your ideas for the database, please let us know. We're happy to keep building this resource up so everyone can benefit from it.

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